Michael Marino
I'm a full-stack web developer (in training) specialized in frontend and backend development for complex, scalable web apps. I enjoy web development, spending time with my wife, and 3d Printing. I have a facination for technology and computers.
Want to know how I may help your project? Check out my portfolio and resume.Contact Me
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What I do
I have more than 5 years experience building rich web applications for clients all over the world. Below is a quick overview of my main technical skill sets and tools I use.
JavaScript and Jquery is part of my standard workflow. I have of experience with object oriented programming. Web and REST APIs.
HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
Utilizing CSS, bootstrap, and Materialize is part of my standard workflow. I have of experience with CSS3 Animations and Jquery Slider/Calenders.
Node.js, npm, Express and Handlebars
I know node.
SQL, Sequelize, Mongo
I have used SQL and MySQL in many dashboard projects
Git, Github
I know how to use GIT and terminal. As well as NPM and package installers.
Visual Studio Code, Heroku
Knowledge of this powerful code software is essentil.
Featured Projects

Tech Blog
CMS-style blog site similar to a Wordpress site, where developers can publish their blog posts and comment on other developers’ posts as well.
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eCommerce Backend
Project provides the back end for an e-commerce site by modifying starter code. Configured Express.js API to use Sequelize to interact with a MySQL database.
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Ultimate Sports Tracker
A web app that allows sports enthusiasts to find data, facts, events, shopping, etc. around their favorite sports.
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Weather Dashboard
Used JavaScript to call REST APIs to create a weather dashboard that provides users with current and future weather forecasts. The dashboard also saves the users search history, which can be retreieved when browser is closed.
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Blog Post 1
Babies are coming! Are you prepared?

Blog Post 2
Spreadsheets and such.

Blog Post 3
3D printing whatnot.