
Resume Website - CSS Essentials

This website was created as part of the CSS Essentials online class from LinkedIn Learning (formerly known as lynda.com). It is a one page site completely hand coded using custom HTML and CSS only. It uses flexbox to create the layout found in the header and body.

History of HTML - HTML Essentials

This website was created as part of the HTML Essentials online class from LinkedIn Learning (formerly known as lynda.com). It is a one page site completely hand coded using custom HTML and CSS only.

Bootstrap Portfolio - First Try

This is my first attempt at creating this website for the uPenn Coding Bootcamp. I was experiementing with Bootstrap and learning as I went along. I decided a solid grey background worked better for me. As I was writing this I decided I did not like the direction it was going so using this site as a skeleton, I created the site you are at now.

Chain Gang

This website was created as part of the php course from LinkedIn Learning. This site uses a CSV document to populate a table of bikes in the browser.

Globe Bank

This website was created as part of the PHP Essentials online class from LinkedIn Learning (formerly known as lynda.com). This was a front end and back end development project. I enjoyed the process of learning how to make it.